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Boycott of Intuit

Intuit boycott details

Boycott Originator

MikeBlockQuickBooksCPA | Email this user

Boycott Title

QuickBooks Boycott

Boycott Description

Please click on for details of our QuickBooks Boycott. This includes our Intuit Boycott of all programs and services, including our QuickBooks Online Boycott, Quicken Boycott, TurboTax Boycott, Boycott and related boycotts. It also includes our call to Boycott Intuit products and services, Boycott QuickBooks Online, Boycott Quicken, Boycott TurboTax. Boycott

We also will Boycott RightNetworks, Boycott Insync, Boycott CPAasp, and Boycott any other QuickBooks hosting company that supports Intuit efforts to kill more than a thousand other QuickBooks hosting companies. These are all companies that top Intuit executives once strongly encouraged to enter into and expand their QuickBooks hosting business.

By the way, there is a terrific way for you to support this QuickBooks boycott besides buying any more Intuit monopoly products or services. CLICK ALL THE INTUIT WEB ADS YOU SEE, except your own. You should especially click ads on web pages and emails of Boycott QuickBooks supporters. Many of these will soon have Boycott QuickBooks buttons. All revenue from your QuickBooks Boycott ad clicks will help fund our class action anti-monopoly lawsuit.

Boycott Demands

Please click on for details of our QuickBooks Boycott. 
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