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Boycott of HealthScope Benefits

HealthScope Benefits boycott details

Boycott Originator

vickey | Email this user

Boycott Title

Benefit Coverage

Boycott Description

HealthScope Benefits does not pay for (all or partial)proceedures much needed for the not only for benefit of patients, but for their families, also. Proceedures which would save money on both parties in the long run, by saving costs on doctor visits, other hospital testing and also prescription drugs.    

  Join this boycott against Healthscope and other insurance companies which only take our money in larger deductables and copays, and make them understand that there are health related issuses that people have that need to be addressed, which is what  the reason we have insurance for.

Boycott Demands

Cover more much needed health care, which is what you are in the business to do. Don't deny coverage for those who need care for  a better way of life for those who need it. Especially for simple outpatient testing and proceedures. Adress the reason those pay for your service and don't take advantage.
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