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Boycott of Copeland Toyota

Copeland Toyota boycott details

Boycott Originator

michaelo | Email this user

Boycott Title

Copeland Toyota, wasting your time and not honor agreements

Boycott Description

Copeland Toyota and I came to an agreement of the purchase price of a used Prius on Friday March 8. Included in the agreement (I have a copy of the contract) the dealer AGREED IN WRITING to not take a deposit on the car while we file the paperwork (even though they complained about it). I had outside financing set up so the next week I was actively working with the dealership to file the paperwork with my bank. Over that week I was at the dealership two additional times. All title, registration, purchase contract AND a bank draft was completed by the dealership. The dealership sent this information (including the bank draft) to my bank overnight to get the live check. The live check was to be mailed on March 18th. On the morning of March 18th I received a phone call from the dealership saying that they sold my car on March 16th. This was a huge waste of time since the dealership is a 30 minute drive one way. Plus I accrued fees with my bank to get the paperwork in order for them. Plus took time out of work to deal with the dealership on the purchase during THEIR business hours.

Boycott Demands

Reimbusement of $720 for bank fees I incurred, time wasted and gas.
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