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Boycott of GECapital

GECapital boycott details

Boycott Originator

t0048626246 | Email this user

Boycott Title

Most Unorganized Company

Boycott Description

I became a customer with GECapital when I had applied for a Summit Racing Equipment Speed Card for my automotive needs. At first everything was ok, but as time progresed GECapitals online billpay set up was being renavated about once a year. Everytime they did so, my username and password to get into the bill pay center was erased and I had to go through a lengthy process again and again to re register my account to make my monthly payments. Well just recently I had to once again do so and I have had it with this company. They are rude on the phone, highly disorganized, and appear to like to use a proprietary online account engine that has missing links, bad linkes, and overal a very sloppy and unprofesional website for consumers to use to view their account status.

Boycott Demands

This company has agrevated me to no end and I'm always getting hit with late fees and overage charges because I can never get into their stupid system to pay my bill. I have decided not to pay another cent and will not go through another rediculous process to re register my account again. I want my account deleted and any balance waived. I will not pay anything anymore to this company who obviously doesn't care about their customers if they can't have a simple sytem that retains their customers login info.
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